(Based on current price comparisons with major glass grinding bit manufacturers as of June 22, 2004)


TWOFERS Glass Grinding Bits

For years, we at Aanraku Stained Glass wondered why high quality, long life and low cost grinding bits were so hard to find.

After intensive research, we present to you, the stained glass artist, TWOFERS Glass Grinding Bits.

TWOFERS grinding bits offer more grinding surface than any other bit, superior quality, and an extended grinding life

TWOFERS diamond abrasive grinding surface is designed to maximize bite and allows for an extra long life and smooth uniform grinding.


"Aanraku's TWOFERS grinding bits last 2-3 times longer than ANY bit at ANY price. I don't care how much you pay for a bit, you won't be able to find better bits anywhere."

Robert Lee, Owner/Artist,
Dreamland Productions, Hudson, Iowa

"TWOFERS are a great pricing deal at two-for-one. These are absolutely the best bits on the market. No one makes better grinding bits."

Glen Via, Artist,
San Fransisco, California

"They should be called 'Miracle Bits.' In my 16 years of doing stained glass, I have never used a brand of bits that's lasted so long or worked so well."

Doug Robinson, Owner/Artist,
The Old Bank Stained Glass, Bucksport, Maine

"Aanraku Stained Glass has done it again with TWOFERS grinding bits. GREAT pricing, FANTASTIC quality. These are the best grinding bits I have seen in 20 years of glasswork."

Joe Gagliardi, Owner/Artist,
Creations in Stained Glass, Clermont, Florida


Contact your local supplier for pricing and availability.

Visit the Aanraku Stained Glass website at:

Cutaway photo showcasing the many features of TWOFER grinder bits.
TWOFER Cutaway
(Click to enlarge)

During the manufacturing process, bit samples are randomly tested for quality control. Bits are tested by grinding steel with a hardness rating of HRC 55-58.
Each bit batch tested must endure 10 hours of continuous work with a constant lateral pressure of ~10 lbs/ driving the test bar into the bit abrasive for the lot to pass inspection.

TWOFER Testing Photo
(Click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)
(Click to enlarge)
TWOFERS 100/120 Regular Mesh Grit Bits
TWOFERS 600 Ultrafine Mesh Grit
and Speciality Bits

100/120 Regular Mesh Grit
TWOFERS Glass Grinding Bits are Available in Four Sizes:
1/8 Inch
1/4 Inch
3/4 Inch
1 Inch

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

600 Ultrafine Mesh Grit
TWOFERS Glass Grinding Bits are Available in Two Sizes:
1 inch
3/4 inch

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Testing Photo
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFERS Glass Grinding Bits are Available in Three Styles:

Ripple Bits
100/220 Grit
Jewelery Bits
220 Grit
Diamond Core Drill Bits
1/8 Inch

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)

TWOFER Glass Grinding Bits
(Click to enlarge)
Aanraku Stained Glass • 41 South Railroad Avenue, San Mateo, CA • 94401